Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us, therefore our policy is to respect and protect your privacy to the extent that you share information with us. This Swiftpro Corporation Online Privacy Policy summarizes our policies with regard to privacy and your use of our website. If you have objections to this Privacy Policy, you should not access or use our website. You can browse through most of our website without giving us any information about yourself, but there are certain areas of our site, for example the online technical support area, for which we do need information from you. Therefore, we strongly encourage you take a moment to read this online Privacy Policy.

Does Swiftpro Corporation ask for personal information?

We do not ask for personal information if you simply choose to browse our website, but we do ask for such information if you request information from us. Personal information may include your name, mailing address, and/or email address. We will ask for additional personal information in the event that you download our products, request services, or contact sales support. Such other personal information may include your company name, job title and department, telephone and facsimile numbers. When ordering products or services, you may be asked to provide a credit card number.

Swiftpro Corporation collects your personal information in order to record and support your participation in the activities you select. If you subscribe to a service or register a product, for example, the information is used to register your rights, if any, to technical support or other benefits that may be made available to registered users. As another example, if you enter a contest, information is collected to qualify your entry and so that we may contact you regarding the contest or prize awards. Your personal information is also used to keep you informed about product upgrades, special offers, and other products and services of Swiftpro Corporation.

Will Swiftpro Corporation disclose any of my personal information?

Swiftpro Corporation will not disclose any of your personal information, except as described below, or when we believe in good faith that the law requires it, or to protect the rights or property of Swiftpro Corporation or others. If compelled by law to divulge your personal information to comply with laws or regulations of a governmental or regulatory body or in response to a valid subpoena, warrant, or order or to protect the rights of Swiftpro Corporation or others, Swiftpro Corporation will use its best business judgment to minimize such compelled disclosures.

Swiftpro Corporation does disclose aggregated user statistics and demographic information (for example, the geographic spread of our customer inquiries) in order to describe our services to prospective partners, advertisers, and other third parties, and for other lawful purposes. If and/or when we do match user information, we endeavour to keep personal information confidential from those third parties.

Swiftpro Corporation collects your information in order to record and support your participation in the activities you select. If you subscribe to a service or register a product, for example, the information is used to register your rights, if any, to technical support or other benefits that may be made available to registered users. As another example, if you enter a contest, information is collected to qualify the entry and contact you regarding the contest or prize awards. Your Personal Information is also used to keep you informed about product upgrades, special offers, and other products and services of Swiftpro Corporation.

Additionally, if you make a purchase from our website, the information obtained during your visit to these parts of our website, and the information that you give such as your credit card number and contact information, is provided to our credit card service provider. Our credit card service provider has its own separate privacy and data collection policy, and Swiftpro Corporation has no responsibility or liability for such third party policies.

How does Swiftpro Corporation use my personal information?

Swiftpro Corporation's goal in collecting personal information is to provide you, the user, with a personalized web experience, and our business partners with an efficient means to reach the right audience. By knowing a little about you, Swiftpro Corporation is able to deliver more relevant website content, and hence better service, to you.

Swiftpro Corporation uses your personal information to:

- Make it easier for you to use the areas of our site, like the technical support area.

- Enable you to track the status of your technical support incidents.

- Enable you to post messages in our technical support forums.

- Help us maintain and retrieve information regarding the status of your product or subscription.

- Send you information regarding product updates and special offers. Note that by initially providing us with your personal information, you are agreeing to receive such information. You do have the option of unsubscribing from receiving further information.

- Send you information on product updates (if you are a customer). If you use our support system we will send you e-mail updates when your incident has been updated by our support personnel.

Personal Information that you provide resides on a secure server and is only accessible to selected Swiftpro Corporation personnel and contractors via password. Since this information is not accessible by you, you will not be asked to select a password in order to view or modify such information. In the interest of providing better service to its customers, Swiftpro Corporation uses resellers and other partners to provide certain marketing, sales, and support services to our customers. By submitting your personal information to Swiftpro Corporation, you understand and agree that Swiftpro Corporation may allow its resellers and other partners to access a portion of your personal information (contact information only) for the purpose of providing you with marketing, sales, and support services. Swiftpro Corporation will not share any demographic or payment information with any third party.

The personal information that you provide in connection with registering yourself as a user of Swiftpro Corporation products or services or registering a Swiftpro Corporation product is classified as Registration Information. Registration Information is protected in several ways. Access by you to your Registration Information is available through a password and unique username selected by you. This password is encrypted. We recommend that you do not divulge your password to anyone. In addition, your Registration Information resides on a secure server that only selected Swiftpro Corporation personnel and contractors have access to via password.

Will Swiftpro Corporation use my information for direct mailing or email mailings?

You may browse our website as you wish, and you will remain an anonymous user until you fill out one of our lead capture forms or otherwise provide your email address to us. We may send you promotional emails about our various products and services, or other products and services we feel may be of interest to you. Unless you specifically opt-out of receiving promotional emails from our business partners (see paragraph above), you may receive mailings from our business partners as well. Each such mailing, whether direct or by email, will include instructions for removing your name from this distribution list. In the case of email mailings, this means a link in the email that you can use to opt-out of future mailings. All such mailings will originate from Swiftpro Corporation or one of Swiftpro Corporation's business partners, and each such mailing will clearly identify the source of the mailing. Emails sent from Swiftpro Corporation include a link allowing you to unsubscribe from receiving further emails.

Does Swiftpro Corporation use cookies and IP addresses?

Yes. Swiftpro Corporation uses cookies in various ways to track your visit to our website, but this information is not used to identify you personally.

We use cookies to determine which of our visitors are interested in our products. You will remain an anonymous user until you fill out one of our lead capture forms, at which time your information will be used by our marketing department. Our lead capture form is clearly identified as such.

We also use cookies to be reminded of who you are and to access your account information (stored on our computers) in order to deliver to you better and more personalized service by presenting information that we believe you may be interested in. This cookie is created by your web browser when you register with us at our website.

Cookies may also used to estimate the size of our visitor base. Each web browser that accesses our website is given a unique cookie which is then used to determine repeat usage versus initial usage.

We use Google Analytics to conduct anonymous web traffic analysis for our website. While Google Analytics makes use of cookies, no personal information is ever collected or analyzed by this service.

We collect IP addresses for the purposes of system administration and security only. Our web servers automatically log the IP/Internet address of your computer, but this information is not used to identify you personally.

What else should I know about my privacy?

Please keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information online, such as in a discussion forum or through email or in a chat room, that information can be collected and used by others. In short, if you post personal information online that is accessible to the public, you may receive unsolicited messages from other parties in return. Please note that any information you post to a public bulletin board or chat room, such as the Swiftpro Corporation User to User Forums (the "Forums"), is available to all persons accessing that location. Your e-mail address would then be available to all persons accessing the Forums. The content of these messages and posts do not constitute the opinions of Swiftpro Corporation, but are expressly those of the online community members and their guests. Swiftpro Corporation makes no claims of agreement or disagreement with the opinions expressed online. We seek to maintain a dignified and business-like environment in these discussion areas, and will remove those posts that we deem to be unacceptable.

Furthermore, while we strive to protect your personal information, Swiftpro Corporation cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us. Therefore, you agree that you do so at your own risk and you assume any associated liabilities. In addition, if you access any third party website through a link from our website, the privacy and data collection practices of those third parties will apply and Swiftpro Corporation assumes and has no responsibility or liability for the policies and practices of such third parties. We tell you this to make it clear that you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your passwords and any account or personal information when you visit any website. Swiftpro Corporation stands behind its privacy policies and practices, but does not make any representations or warranties regarding our website or any third party websites.

Swiftpro Corporation reserves the right to revise this Privacy Policy from time to time without direct notice to you; however, we will post the most recent revision date in connection with this Privacy Policy.

If you believe that Swiftpro Corporation has not complied with this Online Privacy Policy with respect to your personal information, or you have other related inquiries or concerns, you may write to Swiftpro Corporation using the form on the footer of this site.

Last Updated On

October 2020